Christmas in England

Roofs covered with snow, red-breasted robins on thickly frosted branches and fluffy cats leaving deep footprints on their solitary walks through deep snow ... popular Christmas cards conjure up an image of Christmas that most of us have never seen!

Snow would be rare and if you want peace and reflection, you have to go looking for it, since it's often hidden behind bright lights and, cheery jingles and colourful merchandise.

But Christmas in England can be a magical experience, full of traditions and fun and delicious food. Maybe it's time you visited us and found out for yourself. This page will give you a little introduction to how we celebrate and what you can expect if you spend Christmas in England:

History and Traditions

Christmas has been celebrated in England for over a thousand years. And here you can discover a brief history of Christmas in England. But what makes Christmas so special is the raft of wonderful and quirky traditions, from counting down to the big day by using advent calendars, to sending Christmas cards and listening to Christmas music.

Beautifully decorated and lit trees are a symbol of Christmas in England. We use lights to brighten the streets and our homes more than we do at any other time of year.

Christmas stockings are such a traditional part of an English Christmas, that it's very difficult to work out where the custom actually came from... But if you're around, you'll see that they come in all shapes and sizes, from luxury, whimsical stockings that are a gift in themselves, to gorgeously decorated felt Christmas stockings that the children will love, to all manner of handmade Christmas stockings.

Christmas Food

Festivals and food have always lived comfortably side by side. So there's really no reason to be surprised at the multitude of traditional Christmas Foods that we enjoy during the festive season. If you're cooking this year, you can check out our short survival guide for all the Christmas foods we make or buy only once a year. Or take a look at these traditional Christmas recipes, from mince pies to mulled wine and bread sauce to Christmas pudding.

And, of course, Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without chocolate.

English Christmas Dinner | sarsmis 123rf.comA traditional English Christmas Dinner © sarsmis |

Gift Ideas

What do you give the person who has everything? If they love English history, and you'd like to give them (and maybe yourself) a special treat, then I have a few ideas for you ...

The English have a reputation for being slightly eccentric and just a little unusual. Why not pick a present that reflects that? Check out my top 10 Christmas gifts for England lovers.

If your nearest and dearest loves food and cooking and is a bit of an England lover, then check out these Christmas gift ideas for lovers of traditional English food...

And while choosing the right Christmas gift, don't forget the little things that give just as much joy to those who receive them. Christmas stockings are just the place for those little gifts and here's my list of stocking stuffer ideas for all those of us who love all things English.

If You're Spending Christmas in England ...

...then there's little chance of seeing snow. We often wish for a White Christmas, but we rarely get one. It will be chilly, though, and it might be wet. So it makes sense to stay cosily indoors and enjoy the food and company. Many hotels offer special Christmas rates with much food and entertainment provided throughout. But it's well to book early, as these deals are very popular.

Christmas eve is a workday for many of us. But companies tend to close earlier than normal. Shops are still open and will be busy with last-minute shoppers, but gradually the day winds down.

Christmas in England © chrisdorney | 123rf.comChristmas in England © chrisdorney |

Listerning to carols sung by Kings College on the radio in the late afternoon, starts my Christmas celebrations. I light a few candles and sit down with a cup of tea or a glass of wine to listen.

After a light supper, children will hang up their stockings by the fireplace. Despite a quarter century in England I still haven't worked out where that tradition really comes from or what it signifies. There are plenty of stories and even a few myths trying to explain the custom, but not one that everyone can agree on. Friends tell me that fewer and fewer families do that now, so I may never have the chance to get to the bottom of that delightful tradition.

Compared to the hectic month of December, Christmas Eve is quiet. There's an evening carol service in our local church. In other churches there will be a nativity play performed by the town's children and many churches will celebrate Midnight Mass.

Christmas Day and Boxing Day are public holidays and most people don't go to work. The children will be up early, checking if Father Christmas has been. The turkey will go in the oven soon after breakfast. The kitchen will be a busy place then, with potatoes and sprouts to peel, sausages to cook, gravy to make and the Christmas pudding to steam.

And after all these preparations Christmas dinner, served between 1pm and 2pm can last a while. Then there's the King's Christmas speech and the afternoon is often spent snoozing or playing games or watching The Great Escape on television.

On Boxing Day, people are on the move visiting each other. The 'serious' part of Christmas is over and we're having fun. The kids are on holiday until the new year, but many people return to work on December 27th.

Hectic and quiet, commercial and contemplative, traditional and modern - Christmas in England is a wonderful time. Come and share it with us!

You can find more ideas, information and recipes for a wonderful Christmas in England on the following pages:

Traditional Christmas Food Essentials

Fancy having a tradition Christmas dinner?

British Corner Shop have many of the traditional food stuffs used to make homemade cakes and puddings, and if you're not up for all the preparation why not cheat and buy some quality products that we use here in England. All this and worldwide delivery!

Home Baking


Christmas Cakes

Mince Pies

Pickles and Sauces

Stuffing and Gravy

And if you're going to all the trouble of preparing Christmas dinner don't forget the little extras that go along with the celebrations.

A selection box was always part of my childhood Christmas and would either be in the Christmas stocking at the end of my bed or wrapped up and sitting beneath the Christmas tree.

You can't have Christmas dinner without the snap of a cracker, the funny party hat, and corny jokes. It's all part of the traditional fun we have on Christmas and Boxing Days!

There's nothing better than a tub of chocolates to pass around whilst watching the Christmas film shown on TV or learning to play the new family game!

Traditional Christmas Extras

Christmas Selection Boxes

Christmas Crackers

Chocolate Tins and Tubs

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